

How to Keep Your Data Private?

The Internet is one place which has blurred lines between the real and virtual world. Technology has made its space from desktops into our hands via smartphones.

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8 Steps to a successful migration to the Cloud

Before migrating to a cloud environment, you need to evaluate your existing IT infrastructure, list the application and other workloads to be migrated. Also, determine the components and resources required before proceeding with data migration.

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What is the need for data center capacity planning and how to do it ?

Currently, the cost alternatives and flexibility provided by modern technologies such as internal and external cloud computing, virtualization and diverse types of cloud-based solutions is offering IT infrastructure expert, a range of platforms for functioning a business; service or an application. 

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5 Perceptible Profits of IT Process Automation

A process automation software allows businesses to achieve much more varied and compound actions without the necessity of human interference. Thanks to the machine learning platform which learns and improve itself depending entirely on its own grounded data depending from its prior experience.

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